November 18, 2011
We had our Nature Walk on Wednesday November 09, 2011. The students were divided into two groups. While some were working in L’Atelier doing recycled paper and another project with plastic bottles, the other group was outside collecting items from nature. Many created their own theories about some of the things we found outside. Such as the colorful flags and their theory of the circus. They claimed that it had belonged to the circus that once used to live there. Crab spiders, were in their habitats helping us eat some of the mosquitoes that were on our way. The ride was full of dry sticks, which we are planning to use in our Christmas/Holidays project. Adria, was particularly excited about one of his findings. He claimed that it had belonged to the Indians since it had a very interesting shape that looked like Hieroglyphics. Ethan, Dominique and Anna Catalina were the documenters of our mini field trip. Geronimo wanted to walk further down, I can tell that he had previous experience exploring since immediately grabbed a large stick to move things around and was in charge of our little ones Nikki and Mariana along with Isabella. Hugo liked the little coconuts as he called it from the pine trees. Liby was our brave one, although she wasn’t very happy with the insects that surrounded us she embraced it and kept walking next to me during the nature walk. The students wanted the field trip to last longer, but due to time constraints we did what was possible. Enjoy the pictures! My apologies for the delay of the blog I had technical difficulties with my camera (repair shop).

Dyran standing in front of a huge root of a tree |
Found something that he really liked. |
Flags that speculated the theory of the circus. |
Mariana & Nikki walking back to the school. They found lots of treasures during the walk. |